If Your Child is Absent

Occasionally, illness or injury will prevent your child from attending school. In the event of absence, please ensure that you let the school know on the first day of absence before 9:30am either by contacting us via our Contact Us page, emailing our Attendance Officer Maria Shawcross m.shawcross@wilbrahamprimary.com 

If your child is absent and we have not received an explanation, we will attempt to contact you on the morning of your child's absence. Phone calls, emails, letters and home visits will be made to establish a reason for a child's absence.

Communication from parents/carers regarding a child's absence is essential to ensure records are accurate and children's whereabouts are known. 

Failing to report your child's absence from school will result in your child's absence being marked as unauthorised. Unauthorised absences can result in further statutory action being taken against you. For further information, please see our What the Law Says page of our website.

The Difference Between Authorised and Unauthorised Absences

There are two types of absence that are recorded on your child's attendance record:

Authorised Absences

Authorised absence is where the school has given approval in advance or has accepted an explanation offered for a child's absence. By authorising a child's absence, the school approves it and agrees that is a good reason. Only the Headteacher can authorise a child's absence from school. You should contact school as early as possible to explain why your child needs to be absent and to obtain permission. Acceptable reasons may include:
Illness - if it is a prolonged illness or if it causes regular absences, medical evidence may be requested.
Emergency medical or dental appointments - routine medical appointments should always be made outside of school hours or during school holidays. 
Days of religious observance - to be agreed in advance by the Headteacher.

Unauthorised Absences

Unauthorised absence is where the school is saying that either a reason has not been provided, or the reason provided is not acceptable. Absences that school do not consider reasonable include:

  • Shopping or birthday trips.
  • Looking after younger siblings or visiting relatives.
  • Routine medical or dental appointments - these should be made outside of school hours.
  • Taking the rest of the day off, before or after an emergency dental or medical appointment.
  • Over-sleeping.
  • Taking a long weekend.
  • Family celebrations - this does not include days of religious observance.
  • Leave of Absence in Term-Time - click the link for further information regarding leave of absences in term-time.


Contact Us

Wilbraham Primary School

Platt Lane,
Manchester, M14 7EB

0161 224 3900
Sleepy Dog

Please address all enquiries to our Principal Andrew Marchant

Paw Prints
Aspire Educational Trust
School Games Gold 2018-2019
Ofsted Graded Good

We Want Children At Wilbraham Primary School To Be...

...safe, happy, polite,
confident, creative and unique

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