Year 3 2023 - 2024

Welcome to Year 3!

There are 3 classes in Year 3; Class 3B, and Class 3J and 3KW.  The teachers are Miss Beattie (4 days) Miss Johnson, Miss Westerman  ( 3 days) Miss Kauser (2.5 days) and Miss Daly (1 day).    The teaching assistants who also work with us are Mrs Pirways, Miss Molla and Miss Marina.

 In summer term we are learning about:


In maths this half term we are learning about unit and non unit fractions, sides in polygons and division.


In writing this half term we are writing fantasy stories with a portal and non chronological reports about a real life event.


In history we will be learning about how the cotton trade changed Manchester.


In science we will be trying to answer the question, ‘are animals and humans similar?’


In RE we will be learning about why the bible is important to Christians.


In PSHE we will be learning why we should keep active and sleep well.


In music we will be exploring verse and chorus, understanding layers in musical structure and performing in groups .


In computing we will be learning how to use google slides and powerpoint.


In art we will be creating a city landscape using textiles.


In French we will be learning how to say instruments and actions in French.


In outdoor PE we will be doing athletics and dance using the Egyptians as a stimulus.

Books we are reading:

  • Krindlekrax
  • Journey
  • Door
  • Leon and the place between

Things to remember:

  • Bring your book bag every day.
  • PE days are:
    3B Monday and Tuesday
    3J Tuesday and Friday
    3KW Wednesday and Friday.

























Files to Download

Year 3: News items

Year 3: Blog items

Coding Challenge, by Miss McAdam

Purplemash Competition, by Miss McAdam

Year 3: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Year 3: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

Contact Us

Wilbraham Primary School

Platt Lane,
Manchester, M14 7EB

0161 224 3900
Sleepy Dog

Please address all enquiries to our Principal Andrew Marchant
Paw Prints
Aspire Educational Trust
School Games Gold 2018-2019
Ofsted Graded Good

We Want Children At Wilbraham Primary School To Be..., happy, polite,
confident, creative and unique

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