Nursery 2023 - 2024

Welcome to Nursery!

There are 3 classes in Nursery ; Class NP, Class NS and Class NT.  The Teachers are Ms Papatheodorou (Class NP), Ms Morrison on Monday/Tuesday, Mrs Cooper on Wednesdays and Ms Sarwar on Thursday and Friday (Class NS) and Mrs Tate (Class NT).  Teaching assistants also working with us; Ms Kaur, Miss Qamar, Ms Lucy, Mrs Rooney and Ms Aisha.

Summer 2 Term 2024

This half term, our topic will be 'animals and the farm'. We will be reading stories such as 'Daisy and the Egg' written by Jane Simmons.

Communication and Language: We are going to be exploring and talking about farm animals and our experience of our farm visit. We will continue with our 'helicopter stories' and we will continue early phonics with the RWInc programme which is used across the school.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development: We will be talking about beginning our transition to Reception. We're looking forward to our 'moving up' morning and visiting the Reception classrooms. We'll also continue circle time and stories from our 'Think Equal' programme. 

Literacy: We will be learning new vocabulary about the lifecycle of a duck such as 'nest', 'egg' and 'hatching'. We will be sharing many stories to encourage a love of reading and practise turning pages in books and looking at the words and letters on each page, identifying the difference between text and illustrations. We will continue to explore a range of mark making both inside and outside the classroom using various resources such as brushes and water, painting, chalk, pens, pencils and crayons. We will begin to label our work with initial sounds, giving meaning to the marks we make. 

Maths: This half term we will be exploring numbers to five and problem solving. 

Understanding the world: We will be learning about the lifecycle of a duck and frogs. We will also be learning about the farm and the names of mother and baby farm animals. 

Physical Development: This half term we will continue doing games and preparing for our sports day. Please can your child come to school wearing suitable clothing (leggings, t-shirt, jogging bottoms, trainers) on the following days - 

NS - Tuesday

NT - Tuesday

NP - Friday


Please remember to...

  • always bring a spare set of clothes in school at all times. This is in case of messy or water play as well as toileting accidents (also, please label all clothing)
  • send in a warm, waterproof coat with your child every day as the weather can change during the day
  • make sure your child has a labelled water bottle in school every day to keep them hydrated throughout the day
  • bring a pair of wellington boots for your child. These can be kept in your child's locker

Files to Download

Nursery: News items

Premier League Filming, by Mr Eccles

Nursery: Blog items

Coding Challenge, by Miss McAdam

Purplemash Competition, by Miss McAdam

Nursery: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Nursery: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

Contact Us

Wilbraham Primary School

Platt Lane,
Manchester, M14 7EB

0161 224 3900
Sleepy Dog

Please address all enquiries to our Principal Andrew Marchant
Paw Prints
Aspire Educational Trust
School Games Gold 2018-2019
Ofsted Graded Good

We Want Children At Wilbraham Primary School To Be..., happy, polite,
confident, creative and unique

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